No need to fear the cold this Halloween! At Heat Holders® we have the perfect socks, hats, gloves and robes to guarantee warmth while adding style to any spooktacular costume idea.
Although we can’t protect you from the ghosts and creepy crawlers of the night, we can ensure that you will be shielded head-to-toe from any frightening weather conditions.
Whether the kids (or yourself!) plan to dress up as a soldier, superhero, boxer, princess, or 80’s pilates coach, we have brainstormed clever ways to incorporate heat into your best costumes yet!
Reflective Socks
If your night of terror includes trick-or-treating, or going out for a spooky night on the town, get the gang ready with Heat Holders® WORXX reflective socks. These highly visibile and extra durable socks are great to slip on to keep an eye out for each other and ensure you are noticed by city traffic and motorists throughout the night.
WORXX socks also conveniently fit into several of our fave costume ideas such as an 80’s pilates coach, your favorite superhero, a glowing skeleton, a cheerleader, or a nerdy school girl!

Warm Hats
If heading out for Halloween, grab a hat to ensure your head is ready for any spooky sights. Our warm hats, available in several colors and styles, are ideal under any helmet if you plan to be a soldier, football player, or astronaut. They will also fit snugly under any witches or pirate hats too!
Base Layers
Got a costume that is a little more intricate? Don’t jeopardize your best costumes this year. Try adding Heat Holders® LITE™ base layers seamlessly underneath your costumes to add just the right amount of warmth and comfort, without the bulk of heavier thermals.
From our assortment of tops and bottoms, base layers will offer a comfortable fit below any costume. Whether it be an elegant princess gown, a giant hot dog, a ferocious beast, or Super Mario, our odor and moisture management technology will keep you and your top layer looking the best, even in the darkest of hours.

Stay cozy and relaxed this year by throwing on one of our robes to make your costume pop! From boxers (before/after a fight), majestic angels, ancient mummies, to sleeping bunnies, rocking a robe will wrap up your night perfectly.
Have any more spooktacular costume ideas to share? Show us how you are incorporating Heat Holders® products into your Halloween costumes this year by tagging us @heatholdersworld.
Happy Halloween!